If you have found this page I bet you've been to Branson, MO before?
Have you wondered what it's really like living in the tourist town of Branson, and if you would really like living here? Like any other tourist town it's always undergoing changes but at the same time it's very exciting to see something new! With a small population compared to the 9 million visitors we get, we definitely have a "build it and they will come" mentality. There's great opportunity here, no doubt about it! It's beautiful and there's so many awesome things to do, so many interesting and friendly people. Living here has been a unique experience. In my blog today I'm sharing a recent video I made. I'll be talking about how to get around Branson and avoid traffic, What locals like to do, and a little about Branson Schools. Take a trip with me to my old school I went to way back in 1985! Plus see how our shopping malls have extended our tourist "season" which has been a great boost for the whole area.
For the latest real estate listings please visit my web-site at carrie.bransonhouse.com
Some images were used from ExploreBranson.com a great resource for your next vacation.
To read the 2019 Financial report mentioned click here. https://bransonmo.gov/DocumentCenter/...