What's Your Value as an agent?
We've all been to the listing where, at most, the agent broom swept the house and nailed-up a sign. What value have they added to the property? In my opinion, none.
While it isn't our responsibility to do an extreme make-over, we owe it to our clients to be frank, though polite, about their property. Clearing out excess furniture, de-cluttering, cleaning carpets, and a fresh coat of paint can make a world of difference. As agents, we see a lot of properties and, more than any TV DIY show, know what moves quickly (the good looking stuff) and what gets stale (the stuff that looks dirty, tired, and generally unpleasant). Staging, which is now the standard in our part of the country, adds to the cost of the product presentation. However, it is an investment that can contribute significantly to the bottom line. Apart from our market expertise, in a competitive marketplace, we add value when we bring these suggestions, recommendations, and options to our clients.