Last week was a very busy week. Finally, Friday had rolled around and all I wanted to do was relax, have a nice dinner and perhaps a couple beverages. My wife and I went to Benihana. Since we were a party of two, we were sat with a group of six who were apparently celebrating a birthday.
Throughout dinner, my wife and I are talking about work and trading war stories and at one point, out of the corner of my eye, I notice that one person from the other party is looking over at me. Obviously, something I said had caught his attention. I wanted to say something, but I thought maybe I mistook his reaction and I didn't want to interrupt their birthday dinner.
As dinner wrapped up, I noticed he was looking in my direction again. Just as I was about to say something, he said that I looked familiar and he asked me where I work. I told him and as it turns out, he is a realtor for a pretty prominant agency here in the Pittsburgh area.
There I was, 9:30 at night. A few hours earlier, I just wanted to relax and try to forget about work for awhile, but before I knew it, I was putting a few more hours in! It just goes to show you, when you least expect it, you may find yourself "clocking in" for some overtime!
Please share any stories you may have as far as making business contacts in different places.