Craig Daniels and Eileen Burns are challenging us to refresh/update our blog signatures in this months ActiveRain Challenge. I did not think I was going to have time to participate in this challenge, BUT as you will see below, my blog signature was in SERIOUS need of being redone.
In Craig's blog announcing this challenge, Craig provides both written instructions, and video instructions. I choose the video instructions, because I could see what he was doing as I followed along. Craig's instructions are so easy that even I was able create a new blog signature without much effort. In other words, it was very easy. What took me the longest was playing around with my new blog signature to get it to look the way I wanted. I have not completely accomplished that yet, and will continue to think of ways I can make it better. It is like my new blog signature needs something else, but I can not put my finger on it. By the way I am open to suggestions, so feel free to make suggestions in your comment blew, or send me an e-mail with them. One of the things I did in the new blog signature was to make it easy for people to e-mail me by creating a link to my e-mail. This was one of the suggestions Craig made in his instructions. However, I have gotten my new blog signature to a point I am satisfied enough with it, and feel comfortable enough with it to adopt it and go live with it.
In my new blog signature I wanted to keep the information in the old one, BUT I wanted to make it easier to read, and add all of my contact information in a way it would be all in one place, and easy to link to. I believe my new blog signature does both of those things.
My social media presents has been very limited for a while now, and I hope to change that in 2022. There are a couple of other sites I need to start using, like Instagram, and YouTube. The use of video has become a major tool even in the Lending Industry in not only reaching out to our clients, but in also finding new ones. I hope I can achieve this both of these goals this year, but the proof will be in the pudding as the saying goes.
Below are my before and after blog signatures. As you can see anything would be better, and an improvement to my previous blog signature.
Before After
It is hard to see the wording in the "Before" snapshot, but is the the same as what is written below the "About George Souto" in the "After" snapshot.
I would like to thank Craig and Eileen for coming up with this challenge, and motivating me to make a much, much needed update to my blog signature. I hope others like myself who have been putting off updating their blog signature will take this opportunity to participate in this months ActiveRain challenge, and update their blog signature as well.