Yesterday I posted a blog on updating my blog signature, titled "It Is Time To Update My Blog Signature!!!" In the blog I mentioned I was open to suggestion on how to make my new blog signature even better. Well Craig Daniels really took that request to heart, and went over and above anything I had expected. Craig took what I had, and made it a hundred times better.
Below are what my original blog signature looked like, what the new blog signature I did looked like, and the amazing blog signature Craig created for me.
This is a great example of how members on this platform give of themself unselfishly. I am very grateful to Craig for taking it upon himself to do for me, and will be proudly using this blog signature going forward. However, I hope this blog does not create a bunch of requests from ActiveRain member for Craig to create their blog signatures. Craig is very generous with his time, so I hope that is not abused by members. Thank you Craig!!!