
Podcamp Ohio June 2008

Real Estate Agent with Home Experts Realty

PodCamp Ohio, June 28, 2008 - I went expecting a lot and came away with more than expected. Registered early so as to get a Tshirt, I put a badge on my web site (see sidebar), stuck a sticker on my car window (I felt soooo 60's!!).  Hungry for more information on Social and New Media, I wished for 2 days of sessions versus just one. Heck, it was definitely a bad hair day but I couldn't let that ruin my day, nor impact meeting people who were just as involved (uh, addicted?) to this new/er way of relating to others on the Internet.

It is indicative of the movement, if I can call it a movement, that there were early-early adopters, early adopters, late adopters and like me, middle adopters. Sessions were presented by people in the know about podcasting, vidcasting, blogging, microblogging and more. Authenticity is the name of this game, but game it is not. I do wonder of the personality types of those involved in social and new media (I am an EN/FTJ for those interested and familiar with Myers-Briggs typology). It is, instead, real community for those who like to meet others, whether technoloogy-oriented or simply relationship and help oriented. Most of the people I listened to, spoke with, read of or shared comments with were helpful types - blogs and microblogs are rife with advice from people who have "been there" in all sorts of ways, be it life events, managing life, managing and creating technology and software.

Duly noted was the comment by 's Debba Halpert that while men adopt and create and purchase technology faster than women (paraphrasing, forgive me, Debba), women often eschew the online gaming and other uh, male pursuits for the relationship and community-building nature of social and new media.

More later on this great event. Anyone have extra air fare for a Podcamp in a distant city? Or will I simply have to wait until the sessions are placed on a site, such as what Columbus'  is doing. Sigh. I guess I'll have to wait...


Gina Kay - so fun to meet you in Columbus at PodCampOhio! I too got a ton out of the day - mainly through connecting with others who know so much more than me but who willingly share. I'm glad you got something out of my presenting on "Women in New Media." The facts were pretty overwhelming that women are social and are the future of social media. Pretty dang cool!

Thanks for the shout-out! Fun to meet you and stay in touch! Debba

Jul 01, 2008 12:59 AM
Maureen McCabe
HER Realtors - Columbus, OH
Columbus Ohio Real Estate

I wish I would have gone.  Kind of. 

I am overwhelmed by all of it and trying to pace myself, so I made a concious decision to not go.

Jul 01, 2008 01:39 AM
Daniel Johnson, Jr.

Gina Kay, it was fantastic seeing you again at Podcamp Ohio.  I am rather grateful to not have been encumbered by technology so that I was able to be more face-to-face social.  I did appreciate the Law of Two Feet and made use of it during a couple of sessions.  By the way, my MBTI is ENFJ - I've been tested twice.

Jul 01, 2008 09:48 AM
Gina Kay Landis
Home Experts Realty - Dayton, OH

Debba - It was great meeting you - your are dynamic and I am thrilled to have been in your session. Hope to see you again or tweet or talk with you sometime!

Maureen, I totally get it. I chose carefully what sessions to visit. It is taking me longer than I want it to for updating my site, for podcasting, you name it. I am still passionate about all this technology and what it can mean overall for a number of folks in all sorts of situations. Hope to see you sometime soon. I visit Columbus about once a month, could meetup at some point!

Daniel, it was GREAT seeing you and wife and daughter. My mouth hit the floor when I realized who @dotdoddy was!! You're a great person and I am honored to know you - another "J" type with the F well developed, I'll bet! It's all good! Psychology is one of my dual majors thus far and I love the study of personality. Happy to know you and talk with you!

Jul 01, 2008 10:07 AM