I find myself wondering today why I seem to be the only one that answers my phone. Isn't that like 75% of our job: talking on the phone? I spend more time talking on the blue tooth or cell than I do actually face to face it seems many times. So, why is it that every agent I call refuses to answer their phone? In fairness, noone can ever answer their phone everytime. I accept that. I am guilty of it as well. However, doesn't common courtesy require that you call someone back? I remember a couple I was working with that I took to show a home. They loved it on paper, and in person it was okay too. Great! I smell a deal.
So, we drove about thirty miles to find it, walked around, and could not get in to look at it because the combo lock had the wrong code in the MLS. Oops. Hey, I can roll with it. No biggie. I'll call the agent. No aswer. Okay, let's look around some more. I'll call again. No answer. After about 10 veryyyy long minutes. I got a call back. Yeah! The agent had no clue why the code was wrong, but would call me right back with the right one. Another ten minutes, and some nervous, frustrated clients, and still no call back. I call back and never get another call back. Was I wrong to be upset? I did not show it in front of the clients, but we ended up driving elsewhere and making another offer. Low and behold that agent answered their phone.
I guess I just wanted to remind us all, that you have to return calls. You simply have to. No telling who, or what you are missing out on.