We were inspired by a comment on one of our recent blog posts by fellow Active Rain member, Will Hamm, to return to our coverage of the Santa Barbara Farmer's Market. And, we are delighted to report that the market is back in full swing.
Here in downtown "SB" we often have what is known as "May Gray" and "June Gloom" with overcast skies due to a low coastal cloud cover which burns off mid-day. Although we enjoy this time of year thoroughly, there has been wonderful blue skies and warm weather each morning, all month so far. The colors were especially brilliant at the market.
On this morning's trip we were blown away by the magnificent mushroom displays. So, we wanted to share them with you. Such variety!
Quite often we get inspired by nature for color schemes for our personal and company branding projects. Check out these amazing mushrooms in rose, mauve, and burnt Sienna.