What a crazy Sunday it turned out to be.
The day was going to be lazy, catch up on rest and watch a little mindless TV. Everything changed around 2:00 pm when I received a text from a past client, cryptically saying "Call me please".
After the usual pleasantries, my client expressed interest in a home she found online. It was already in a multiple offer situation, and the deadline for "highest and best" was in 2 hours. I quickly called the agent and begged for an appointment so I could Face Time my client. Once I had permission, I raced drove across town to view the house.
Fortunately, my client is familiar with the current real estate situation, as they sold and moved a year ago. They understood what was needed to make a favorable offer in this hot sellers' market (and listened when I advised them what would be required).
After showing the home via Face Time, I drove raced home to prepare the offer. Everything was going well, until my new laptop locked up. I reached out to the listing agent to explain an offer was coming, PLEASE wait for me. With panic continuing to rise, I asked Google what to do. Rebooting the laptop unlocked the keyboard so I could continue with the offer.
When my WIFI was slow to reactivate, I quickly activated my phones' hotspot so I could complete the offer.
Thankfully, that did the trick. I filled in the blanks on Zip Forms, added my special provisions, gathered the buyer's signatures via DocuSign, and submitted the offer, while being VERY careful not to lock the keyboard again!
PS: Our offer was accepted! All docs are signed, sealed, and delivered, and we are set to close with 30 days.
What started out as leisurely day off resulted in an unexpected twist and a pending contract.
It's just another day around the water cooler in real estate.
Image by Mustafa shehadeh from Pixabay