
Visit the NFT Virtual Reality VR Gallery oncyber LGBT

Managing Real Estate Broker with ERA American Real Estate

I have created a VR gallery on the site Oncyber

This includes nfts from the Marble Cards collection including the LGBT deck as I previously posted about but includes others not in the deck. The gallery includes local artist/cartoonist Andy Marlette who was included in the HBO drain the swamp documentary. Tim Cook ceo of Apple, Tom of Finland also know as Touko Valio Laaksonen.

Ellen Degeneres, Mayor Pete now known as Transportation Secretary Pete.

Harvey Milk, Alan Turing if you dont know of his work there are multiple documentaries about his code breaking to help win the war against Hitler and Turings persecution after the war for being gay.

 Moms Mabley, if you havent seen her in women of comedy by cnn its a good watch.



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Brandon Jordan, Realtor,E-PRO,ERA American Real Estate

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Brandon Jordan 
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ERA American Real Estate
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Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

Thanks for creating this gallery. I'm looking forward to using NFTs as an ultimate end of a regular paper real estate transaction. 

Sep 14, 2022 08:44 PM
Brandon Jordan

There is a blockchain certification if you want to get a jump on being in line when things are finalized on that front.

blockchain cert

Sep 20, 2022 09:52 AM