
If this doesn't make you understand the value of staging..............

Home Stager with Platinum Home Designs


I have heard it several times...

"The owner doesn't feel that staging is worth it..."

"The owner's don't want to put the work in the home...too much effort....""

Well....I'm here to let you in on the strategy that successful agents and owners use...

the market IS slowing down...

thats why it is even MORE crucial to utilize staging!!! Stand OUT before others!


Secondly, you can't dispute statistics...

please read the following testimonials  from an agent and a seller.........SOLD on the amazing results of Staging!

Your home is probably your largest investment.....ensure you get your largest return!


"Wow.....staging works!  I listed a 2 bedroom condo and it sat on the market for 6 weeks with no offer.  Why?  It was vacant - not a stitch of furniture anywhere. seller and I decided to hire Julia Fedak at Platinum Home Staging Design.  The result?  We had 2 offers within 6 days of staging the home!!  Julia made the space look welcoming and inviting which allowed the potential buyers to picture themselves living there.  She provided all the furniture and decor and truly brought the unit to life!  I'm happy to say the property sold for 99% of asking price and was one of the highest sales in the complex!  Thank you so much Julia for your hard work and professionalism.  You got the job done fast and right and went above and beyond co-ordinating everything with me, my seller and even the property management company.  I have learned that staging definitely works and is worth the financial investment.  I look forward to recommending Julia to my future clients - she is truly first class!"
Holly Moist
Sales Representative
RE/MAX Garden City Realty Inc., Brokerage
720 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON
(905) 333-3500 


"Selling your home can be a stressful time.  We had our home up for sale
3 months and decided to take it off the market because we had no
offers.  I
knew we had to do something and I took the leap and called Julia.
  Julia was
very professional, but at the same time very easy to work with.  My
was skeptical, until they started to see the transformation.  Paint
changes, rearranging of furniture, some additional furniture and
and I wasn't sure I wanted to sell anymore.  But sell we did, in only 2

weeks. So now my family says:  get Julia to come in to your new house
have her work her magic so that your new home will look just as great
as the
old one you left. They have all agreed that home staging played a
significant part in the selling of our home. Thank you Julia, a truly
understanding, knowledgable professional!"

Judy Hitchen, Homeowner, Government of Canada



Julia Fedak, CSP, IRIS
Platinum Home Staging Design

"Design for Living, Design for Selling"

c. 289.260.9404

b. 905.561.1916