If you're hoping for a YouTube clip of Monty Python, keep looking. This is about something completely different!
To say that I'm excited about the pending launch of the New Localism would be a gross understatement. I am beside myself. I haven't felt this energized and pumped up about something in a very long time.
When I first joined ActiveRain, Localism was still in its infancy. It was a brilliant vision back then, seeking to create a portal that consumers could access, find valuable local resources, and engage in meaningful dialog with resident experts. Much of the content that we generated on ActiveRain was transferred over to Localism through specific geo-targeted categories. In those early Rainy Days, we all spent a considerable amount of time focused primarily on creating some excellent local content articles.
Unfortunately, over time, the collective energies and resources of ActiveRain Corporate had to be redirected elsewhere, leaving Localism in a neglected holding pattern. But the vision of Localism was always something that remained very near and dear to the hearts & minds of our Co-Founders, Jonathan Washburn & Matt Heaton.
While the Localism Beta has been gathering moss, many of us have shifted our writing away from local content to other venues. Our focus has turned inward, becoming somewhat of a 'member-centric' platform. However, a few Localism diehards have remained, amassing impressive archives loaded with rich, relevant local content.
With the advent of the New Localism, our focus is about to change. Back to where it should be, where it needs to be, back to creating valuable, quality local content for consumers.
Others have attempted to travel this road, and have failed. We, however, will succeed. The New Localism will become THE undisputed destination of choice for consumers. Of this I am certain.
And why, you ask? Because of what this Network is built upon:
We understand that the value of the ActiveRain community rests entirely with its members. We admire the spirit of real estate professionals and believe our goal is to fully engage their talents and knowledge for the benefit of all members of the real estate community.
We believe that real estate professionals will thrive if they demonstrate their local market expertise. With ever greater access to listings, local knowledge is now the key differentiator.
We, the ActiveRain Community, have the potential to make such an amazing positive impact in our industry, and in our neighborhoods!
The New Localism. Coming to a Neighborhood nearest you!.....