
July Challenge II: If You Could Travel To Any Place In the World......

Services for Real Estate Pros Retired

Where would you go if you could travel to any place in the world?

Traveling the world can be a life-changing experience, allowing us to see new cultures, meet new people, and learn about different ways of life. It's time to explore some of the most exciting places on each continent. So, pack your bags and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

Here's a "glimpse" of some of the best places to visit on different continents.

  • South America

South America offers a compilation of the best scenery in the world. There is much to explore, from the Amazon rainforest to the Andes mountains. Not to mention, some of the most exotic animals live in South America. 

And, of course, no trip to South America would be complete without a visit to Machu Picchu. This ancient Inca city is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and it's easy to see why. 

  • Asia

From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the beautiful temples of Thailand, there is something for everyone in Asia. 

For those history buffs, you can walk a few of the 13,000 miles of the Great Wall of China and be awed by the Taj Mahal, India, two of the seven world's wonders. Or pause to reflect and remember the American veterans and the American conflict in Saigon, Vietnam. 

You can go hiking in the Himalayas or trekking through the jungle for those thrill seekers. Or, spend a few days on a beach in Phuket, Southern Thailand, and indulge in luxury and relaxation. If you're traveling with your spouse, discover Bali why it's the best place for marriage anniversary celebrations, honeymooners, and newlyweds. 

  • Europe

Europe is one of the most popular travel destinations for a reason. There are so many different countries and cultures to explore.

There are endless landmarks to visit, from the Eiffel Tower in Paris to the Acropolis of Athens in Greece. You can also find some of the best wine in the world in European countries like France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.

To classical music lovers, Vienna, Austria, is home to many famous composers like Mozart, Haydn, Mahler, Beethoven, and Bruckner, to name a few. 

To top off the list of famous and fascinating places, a trip to the iconic City of Rome, the Colosseum, would warrant the best "bragging right" for any visitor!

  • Australia

Australia offers some of the world's most magnificent natural wonders and beautiful beaches. Blue Mountains National Park attracts outdoor enthusiasts exploring and searching for those nature's "parts unknown."  

The Great Barrier Reef is a "must-stop" destination. Imagine this most significant living thing on earth, stretching over 1,400 miles of beauty and magnificent scenery.

Spending an evening at the Sydney Opera House adds memorable experiences to your exhilarating and fun days. One last thing before leaving Australia is to try some of the Aussie's famous Tim Tan and Meat Pies. Please don't ask what's in them; just try these heavenly yummies!

  • Africa

Last but not least, we have Africa. This continent is home to the richest history and most stunning landscapes, such as the Sahara Desert and the African Savanna.

Explore and visit the Great Pyramids of Giza through a historian's eye. It's easy to see why Giza's most famous Egyptian Pyramids are listed as one of many "unexplained" phenomena. 

You can also find some of the most amazing animals in Africa and their natural habitat. Lions, elephants, and zebras are just a few incredible creatures you can see on a safari. 

These are just a few fantastic places you can visit if you spend your hard-earned points wisely on your next Active Rain's Imaginary Challenge. 

Details for these offers will be worked out and provided at the next Point Store opening. VIP guests will also be revealed at that time!

A big "thank you" to Anna Banana Kruchten CRS, Phoenix Broker, Carol Williams, and Kathy Streib for your imagination, hard work, and spirit. 


Photos Credit: Shutterstock

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I have wandered from a vibrant corner of the world, Thailand, to the bustling city of Boston. And again, to the tranquil beauty of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. 

I have found my place!

After a fulfilling career spanning 16 years in the corporate world and 22 years in real estate, I have entered a new chapter of life---retirement. As a proud grandmother, I cherish every moment with my precious family. In the remaining hours, I am ready to pursue my lifelong passion for writing!

I invite you to follow my new journey via my heart and soul into a book brimming with uplifting tales, ready to inspire anyone who seeks a glimpse of true inspiration.

Aura Alex


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Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Hi, Ray Henson, I'm glad you'll travel to Thailand. You'll love it. You could introduce the pickleball game to the Thai sports fanatics. Or, you could participate in the Asian Games, and I bet you'd have the entire country of Thailand cheering on for you.

Please share your trip to Thailand with us when you return, if you return! You might like it so much; you'd stay there!😘

Also, please send me a case or two of "real" Thai Singha Beer while you're there. I'm getting thirsty (again)!!!🍻

Jul 24, 2022 10:06 AM
Ray Henson
Retired - Goodyear, AZ
Retired Real Estate Agent

You know I will share all about our trip.  We are really excited and now I know what beer to be on the lookout for!!!

Jul 24, 2022 11:20 AM
Myrl Jeffcoat
Sacramento, CA
Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired

There are a number of places I know I'd enjoy visiting.  But, if I could only chose one, it would likely be Italy.

Jul 24, 2022 04:11 PM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Hi, Dorie Dillard Austin TX; I had an opportunity to visit Melbourne, Australia, when I was a teenager. Australians are very laid back and very friendly. One thing that stood out was how Australians speak with "bloody...." in every sentence, and it was challenging to understand their Australian English! 

I hope you're having a bloody fine day, Dorie! 😃

Jul 24, 2022 04:38 PM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist

Wherever you're going for vacation, I hope you get maximum fun or, should I say, Let loose, Kathleen! It's your turn, and you deserve it! Just make sure your return ticket doesn't have an expiration date! We need you back!!! You ARE coming back, right? 🤥

Jul 24, 2022 04:48 PM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Anna Banana Kruchten CRS, Phoenix Broker; I love your enthusiasm, and it is contagious. You got me excited now, as I wish these trips could become a reality someday! 

Perhaps the law of attraction works well here as I visualize those trips in my mind. 

Jul 24, 2022 04:57 PM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten

Indeed the Law of Attraction does work - and well!  Keep visualizing Aura!

Jul 24, 2022 05:02 PM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Carol Williams 

OK, we'll go to Asia together. If we stop in Thailand, I must brush up on my Thai language! I'd love to see China again when it's safe from the C word, and Bali is another heaven and cheap!

What are your preferences? 

Jul 24, 2022 05:06 PM
Carol Williams

Perfect! That will be a trip of a lifetime with my personal travel guide!

Jul 25, 2022 07:48 AM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Aura= I think that we all wish that we could use all of those points we accumulated, especially after reading your post. 

Jul 24, 2022 05:07 PM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Myrl Jeffcoat 

I love Italy, Italian food, and oh, don't forget the Italian men! I was thinking about (young) Al Pacino!🧐

Jul 24, 2022 05:14 PM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Kathy Streib 

I know, and I'm trying to build up my points so that I could afford my own trips!

Jul 24, 2022 05:32 PM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Aura - your post makes me think of the travels offered by books.  Maybe Dr Seuss relayed that journey very well when he explored in it in Oh, The Places You'll Go. . . 

Jul 25, 2022 04:00 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Macchu picchu is already on my hope-to-see-someday list. Also Italy. BANFF in Canada. And various places within the US too.

Jul 25, 2022 05:42 AM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Michael Jacobs 

I have not seen Dr. Seuss's book and have been to most of the places I wrote about. No cell phones and video cameras could capture my trips, just a 35 mm Cannon with a "half picture" feature that produced slides. Those trips mainly happened during my younger years!!

You just gave me an idea; perhaps I should do a re-run and write a travel book!

Jul 25, 2022 07:51 PM
Michael Jacobs

Why not an entire series of books. . .  

Jul 25, 2022 08:49 PM
Aura Alex

Oh, that's a thought! I'd better get started now! Michael Jacobs 

Jul 25, 2022 08:52 PM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Hi, Kat Palmiotti.

Aww.. Machu Picchu is one of my favorites. I could write the entire post about this majestic place! I learned that (in 2007) it is now one of the world's NEW Seven Wonders!

I wanted to offer experience outside the US. I agree; there are many fascinating places here in the US and Canada. I'm not done with seeing the US just yet!


Jul 25, 2022 08:00 PM
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!
Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374 - St. George, UT
The best agent in Southern Utah!

Have not ventured far out of the United States except for traveling to Toronto, Canada and Nogales, Mexico. Your trip sounds ahhhh-mazing for sure, Aura!

Jul 28, 2022 02:19 PM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can! 

There are many places in the US that we can still explore. But, I thought it would allow us to see other countries and people. So, come fly with us!😊

Jul 28, 2022 07:24 PM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX

Aura Alex - I spent a lot of time in Japan, never Thailand although my daughter took lots of pictures and loved it. Been to Europe and could never tire of Italy. I've never been to South America but would love to see Torres del Paine National Park, if you're headed that way. These are good dreams and bucket lists too!

Jul 29, 2022 12:34 AM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Hi Aura - every one of those locations would be a wonderful experience for me.  Our Business Council sponsors trips and would love to go.

Jul 29, 2022 06:25 AM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Patricia Feager, MBA, CRS, GRI,MRP 

My next challenge offer would give you options to pick and choose your destinations. I would love to explore South America with you!

I loved Japan and the people. There are more similarities in Japanese traditions and cultures to the Thai than differences. 

Jul 29, 2022 08:21 AM
Aura Alex
Seattle, WA
Retired Real Estate Pro

Grant Schneider 

That's great! I hope we can put these trips on our bucket list!

Jul 29, 2022 08:22 AM