It’s all about attitude. The real estate business is the best profession in the world. Whether one agrees or not, every real estate agent has the “world by the ass.”
You each march to your own drummer, give or take a law or two. You each punch in and out at your pleasure or degree of indebtedness! You’re a 1099 recipient, and that’s the greatest bonus of all.
This profession is compatible with all personalities. The good, the bad and the downright ugly could make a very desirable income on their own terms. However, our industry continues to experience a revolving door.
Is it because agents never find their sweet spot in the business? They seem to expand their market rather than fine-tune it. Bigger is never better. Ask Jenny Craig!!
The best advice is to test all of it initially, and then fine tune it. Embrace who you are. Find your passion and focus on it. Learn it inside and out. Become an authority on that one sector of the business, and you’ll always have business. This theory can apply to almost any profession.
Just another thought for the moment….