
Video | What's It Like Where You Live, Show Them Around Local Video

Real Estate Agent with MOOERS REALTY ME Broker License 106759

Video, what's it like where you live, show the audience around with local video.

Community event videos are just as important as the sticks and bricks property listing presentations. Show and tell, share the local community with your online audience so they know what's it like where live, work and play.

Video | Houlton ME Community Farmers Market

What's happening right now, last week, every season where you live on the planet?

Get involved and help promote what is going on where you list, twist and sell real estate. It's important to anyone new considering investing, moving to your local community to have a great varied selection of event videos. Available to tap into one after another on a slew of topics.

farmers market houlton meLocal sports, schools, health care, library, anything happening for a community event should be in your video selection of video uploads.

Here's the community playlist for Southern Aroostook County Maine.

After watching a few local community videos, anyone in the dark about your corner of the World can sneak a peek. See the light, because you provided the one by one here's what it is like as the local community tour guide.

Searching for a local community and lifestyle is the first step of a relocation move or vacation property purchase. 

Video is by far the most powerful and far reaching way to make hundreds of thousands of positive impressions. With video, the out of town buying wondering what's it like where you live does NOT have to physically make the trip to your community.

You Joe and Jane Agent delivered the local news capsule inside the video marketing container.

And the audience can tell you love where you live. You do love where you live right and are not afraid to share the obvious pride and passion for your home town? 

community market houlton me

Local folks who were at the community event enjoy the video too.

In the case of the local farmer's market in Houlton Maine video, the venders thank you for the promotion of their product or service and the overall event itself.

Or someone related to a person in the community video gets updated on current events. What's going on, who's doing what, hey I want to go to the next farmer's market or whatever event.

amish maine farmers market produceLike a local Maine newspaper or broadcast does and they share, send  the video url link to other in and out of community social media family members.

Local folks feel proud about what neat events happen around their community.

maine farmers community market Videos about local community events are the best way to cut your teeth, to kick start your YouTube channel.

The farmers market held on Market Square on a beautiful summer Saturday in small town Maine. Do they hold farmer markets, local community trade shoes you should be highlighting so it's not one big secret to anyone online?

The big RTZ ... they are not local resources of current community information, you are. You live in the zip codes your serve as a real estate professional. Are you doing local community videos and have a playlist in your YouTube channel dedicated just to what happens around you for events?

I'm Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker


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Bill Salvatore - East Valley
Arizona Elite Properties - Chandler, AZ
Realtor - 602-999-0952 / em:

Hey, we enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing.  Have a great Taco Tuesday. bill

Aug 09, 2022 06:39 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573

Thanks Bill Salvatore - East Valley !

Aug 09, 2022 10:39 AM
Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543
Realty ONE Group Advocates 484-237-2055 - Downingtown, PA
Selling the Main Line & Chester County

Love this idea. I am moving in the next week, living further out and plan on doing videos as I discover my new home area, as well as like the idea of promoting local businesses too.

Aug 09, 2022 08:30 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573

Thanks Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543 ... Local real estate agents, brokers, REALTORS are your movers and shakers and can tell you all about their local turf. They serve as president of Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, run for school boards, local town councils and coach little league, peewee basketball, soccer, hockey, etc. Ask a local real estate professional what's it like where you plan to relocate for the event, lay of the land local news!

Aug 09, 2022 10:39 AM
Brian England
Ambrose Realty Management LLC - Gilbert, AZ
MBA, GRI, REALTOR® Real Estate in East Valley AZ

I doubt that anyone in your area doesn't know you since you do such a great job of being a great resource for everyone!

Aug 10, 2022 05:17 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573

In small towns in Maine, everyone knows everyone because you don't buy your ticket to attend a local community event. You are working the event behind the scenes and get to know everyone else in your small Maine town Brian England .

maine green bridge

Aug 12, 2022 02:24 AM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Andy- your local videos are excellent!  EVeryone wants videos these days and local events and venues make for great content. 

Aug 10, 2022 07:30 PM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573

Why you live where you do Kathy Streib .. what is it like? You are the local community life long member who knows your area best. Thanks for dropping by!

Aug 11, 2022 03:26 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Good Tuesday morning, Andrew.

Have a great day and a very productive week.

Aug 16, 2022 08:51 AM