
Mach1 Realty Is Expanding!! Perhaps Your Tomorrow Starts Today!!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Mike McCann - Broker, Mach1 Realty Farm & Commercial Land Broker-Auctioneer Serving Nebraska

Hey Nebraska agents out there...are there storm clouds arising in your real estate career?  Is the road getting harder to travel?

Do you know you could be a great agent if you had the right chance or situation?

Take a couple minutes and read this might change your life forever!!

Mach1 Realty is looking to add 5 to 10 GREAT agents around the state that want to be involved in Farm Land Sales across Nebraska.

Sure you can sell houses if you want...but the good money is in ag land!!

Perhaps it is time for a change in your career.  

Mike McCann Mach1 Realty Nebraska Farm Land

Perhaps you know you can do the job and are tired of giving half or more of the gross commissions (that YOU earned) to the Company.

Perhaps you think you are at a good company and yet...wierd things keep happening.

Perhaps...or perhaps it is time for a change.

Here is a short story...maybe you can relate to it!!

Many years ago I joined what I thought was a good company...and that the reputation of that company was also very good.   

My wife, however, did not think that way.  Should have listened to my wife!

It took a high school friend who wanted to list some land with me to bring me to my senses. He listed the land (near our hometown) with my Broker/Owner and then got a call from me.

"Why did you not call me", I asked.  I was fairly upset as we had (have been friends since high school and still are). 

He said he tried...and called the company number and that he was told that the Broker would be helping him so that I could concentrate on other areas.   

THE BROKER STOLE THE LEAD!!  Yah...sure...that never happens...right? happens a lot in certain companies.  

Mike McCann Mach1 Realty Dannebrog farm

The company that stole my leads and ripped me out of my commissions is still out there!! Maybe you work for them and are ready to move on.

Mike McCann Mach1 Realty Scott Farm is SOLD!

 If something like this has   happened to you...and I   know it has in more than one of the companies out there ...maybe you and   I should sit down   and talk.  

 Mach1 Realty has some of the   highest agent  commission percentage payouts in Nebraska

I send the leads to you!!

   Stop reading this....and dial me up at 308-627-3700       or text...or email me at

 Any inquiries will be held in strict confidentiality. 

  Perhaps Your Tomorrow Starts Today!! 

                       Mike  McCann - Broker/Owner/Decision Maker Mach1 Realty

Mike McCann Sells another farm 2022! Mach 1 Realty Nebraska

Wayne Connell Mach1 Realty SOLD 4 Parcels in S/W Nebraska 2022


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Mike McCann Nebraska Land Broker This has been Mike McCann...Nebraska Land Broker...Coming to you from the Farm Land of Nebraska and America!! Visit me at to learn more about the agricultural and farm land for sale market. 

Many farms For Sale in Nebraska are not listed publicly...please call, text, or e-mail with your questions, wants, and needs!

Mike is your Ag, Farm, and Auction expert throughout Nebraska!

308-627-3700 and 800-241-3940 call or text me at these numbers or for easy e-mail access! Mike McCann Nebraska Land Broker


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Bill Salvatore - East Valley
Arizona Elite Properties - Chandler, AZ
Realtor - 602-999-0952 / em:




Enjoyed your blog page, and I added you as a friend. I would love the follow back. Thanks Bill


Aug 25, 2022 02:25 PM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Good morning! I bet this post definitely gets you some calls. Working for a company that is on your side is a no-brainer!

Aug 26, 2022 05:28 AM
Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

Mike, that would be terrible for the broker to steal a deal!   Good luck bringing on new agents.

Aug 30, 2022 06:49 AM