Although computer stuff is not new to me, I have never blogged before. It is scary because I don't like talking about myself but prefer to hear about everyone else. In a former life I was a CAD Designer/Drafter/Artist who later became an instructor teaching my trade to others. I've always enjoyed helping others. Now, I find myself helping others with homes. Last year, I made a change from a large well known agency to a very small, family oriented real estate firm. My broker and his wife(who is an agent) also have a construction company which builds ICF(insulated concrete form) "green built" homes as well as regular stick built homes. It is interesting and challenging. I have a lot of input into the design aspects of our homes as well as marketing them. Do green built homes seem to be the wave of the future? That is a big question. There are some pros and cons. Saving energy and money that's what it is all about.
Hi Cyndy - WELCOME to Active Rain.. You will love it here and eventually feel more comfortable.. It is somewhat hard for me also to share they way a lot of folks do here but it is a good thing when you can.. I know in this day and age you do have to be careful..
I am a 2 month newbie here so I will share a little of what I have learned, read, read and read some more.. Start commenting on other's blogs so they will get to know you and come over to your blog.. I noticed that you have not joined any groups yet, do that - there are so many you will be overwhelmed but at least join Active Rain Newbies and Realtors from your state and there are lots of groups for dog lovers, train lovers, quilters, etc.. So when you join - go back and edit your post above and add it to a few groups that apply.. You need to read guidelines but you can post to 5 groups that apply.. There are many great newbie posts to help you further.. Let me know if I can help more - I am still learning.. God bless,
Welcome to Active Rain! I haven't jumped on the green built bandwagon just yet. I do see the value in it but haven't noticed a lot of interest from the buying public.
Thank You for welcoming to Active Rain! I am eager to meet and learn from everyone.
Hi Cyndy - Welcome to ActiveRain, I look forward to networking with you and reading your future post. Have A Great Day!!!