You will need a flat top grill to make these, or a large frying pan.
Use basic Wonder or Dempster buns, resist the urge for fancy buns. Heat up your flat plate grill to 4 on gas stove or 400-425 if you have an indoor grill, then start with toasting the buns butter them first then toast top and bottom. Set aside to cool as you don't need them to be piping hot.
The Sauce:
Think Thousand Island dressing just a little less sweet. Start with:
4 tbsp - Mayo
2 tbsp - Ketchup
2 tsp - pickle relish (green relish)
then add
2 tsp - white vinegar
Mix and taste if you like it a little tangier then add a little more vinegar. Set aside
The Meat:
-Use ONLY ground chuck no exceptions!!
-Salt and pepper liberally. Roll them into balls about the size of a large kiwi.
-Place the ball in between 2 squares of wax paper and use a press or a large flat bottomed glass to flatten them down. They need to be flat and thin.
-When your flat top is fully heated place 2 flattened burgers on the grill make sure to keep them flat they need to be thin to get a good crust on the meat. Cook for 2.5-3 minutes each side or longer if you don't feel they are cooked through. If they are thin that will be the correct amount of time.
You will need to occasionally flatten the patty as they will shrink up. When the first 2.5-3 minutes is almost up squeeze a little yellow mustard and spread on the top of each patty before flipping. After you have flipped the mustard side patty over place a Kraft single slice on top of each flipped patty and cook for another 2.5-3 minutes.
Dressing the Burger
You can do this part however you see fit. But the standard In and Out Burger version is:
Sauce on bottom of bun (I recommend doing both top and bottom)
Thin slices of dill pickles
Iceburg lettuce (needs to be iceburg for the crunch)
Tomato slice
Place 2 patties on top of each other
White onion slice and then top bun. Or fried onions if you prefer.
Most of all ENJOY!!!
Debe Maxwell, CRS and Carol Williams here you go ladies. They are super easy to make after the first time! lol