The Bywater Neighborhood of New Orleans
Historic and Colorful Bywater Homes
The Bywater Neighborhood runs along the Mississippi River From the railroad tracks on Press Street to the Industrial Canal. The St. Claude Avenue to the Mississippi River is the other boundary. When I was in high school the area was known as the Upper Ninth Ward. The local telephone exchange was known as Bwater and was changed to the Bywater.
The area has become to be a home for many artistic people. Its an easy bike ride, walk or jog to the French Quarter. The area is an historic district so home have to match the historic neighborhood. The new ones and those that have been remodeled are required to be historic in design to fit the neighborhood.
At one time the area was home to people that worked in industries and wharfs along the Mississippi River. The Colorful homes began to bloom in the year 2000. In the old days the colors were white and dark green shutters. Now the Bywater is one of the most colorful neighborhoods in New Orleans.
There are more doubles in the Bywater than almost any other New Orleans Neighborhoods. There are more corner stores, eats and bars than any other neighborhood. Its a great neighborhood to bike,walk and jog to your local destination. There are not may large buildings as it was a more residential neighborhood once you left the industrial complexes on the Mississippi River.
"Crescent Park in Bywater on the Mississippi River" Click....
View Of Downtown New Orleans from Crescent Park
Historic Details of the Bywater Neighborhood, Colorful Brackets
Most Colorful Doubles is New Orleans
The Neighborhood of So Many Doubles, Leads the City in Doubles
Neighborhood Eats and Drinks, Bywater Corners
Historic Churches in Bywater
Historic Markers , World War I Monument
The Most Common Design of Bywater Doubles
Historic Look of New Homes in an Historic Neighborhood
Artistic Decorations on Royal Street Home
Industrial Building & Wharfs once dominated along the Miss. River