Debe Maxwell, CRS is hosting the ActiveRain Challenge the month titled "November 2022 Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge". This will be an easy challenge for me, because I have MUCH to have gratitude for. For this challenge we get to write one blog per week for this month. My first blog was about my beautiful granddaughter, for this second blog it will be focused on the gratitude I have for those who have helped me succeed as a Loan Originator.
- First and foremost the number one factor in the success of my business, has been my faith and reliance on God to see me through whatever comes my way. From the very first day in my sales career, God has been a part of it. My faith that God will guide through life and business, has given me an incredible peace of mind to know no matter what, God will see me through whatever I face. I truly believe that, and it has been shown to me over, and over.
- The unwavering support of my wife. She is an incredible woman, who has put up with the crazy amount of time I put into my business especially early on. In the 48 years I have been in sales, there has never been a time I have not answered my phone and responded to my clients. That means late in the evening, weekends, holiday, and yes even vacations. We have been through some lean times where she did without and never complained, and kept on supporting me no matter what. To say I am thankful to have her as my wife does not come close to what I feel.
- I am thankful for my referral partners, especially the Realtors who put their trust in me to take care of their Buyers, and secure the financing they need to purchase a home. A number of these referral partners are a result of meeting them and making a business connection with them through ActiveRain.
I could keep on going, but I have 2 other blogs to cover them, so I will stop here with this one. I have been truly blessed in my life, blessed beyond what I need and what I deserve.