
I have water, Gas and i`m heading back to bed!

Real Estate Agent with Optimar International Realty

That`s it, as i`m watching the news on TV, the Doom and Gloom speeches are in full bloom as the storm bears down for South Florida. Brian Norcross is Strutting around like a Rooster! This is what he lives for!

I have my can goods, my water, and my gas tank is filled up! I went to Blockbuster yesterday, bought enough Munchies to feed the chinese army and we`re ready to go!

The storm is supposed to arrive late this afternoon. I`m prepared for this tropical storm...... I do Pray for all.

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David Eiglarsh
RE/MAX Concierge - Weston, FL
CRS, CDPE, Serving South Florida
Key words Erick "storm"! Not Hurricane! I'm working on my blog about that nonsense!
Aug 28, 2006 11:07 PM
David Eiglarsh
RE/MAX Concierge - Weston, FL
CRS, CDPE, Serving South Florida
Oh, Sorry to hear about the gas! It's probably as a result of those Blockbuster Munchies! Try Gas-X, you'll feel better! C:
Aug 28, 2006 11:08 PM
Scott Gormley
Oak Valley Mortgage-California Home Loans and Refinancing - Chico, CA
Better start listing inland properties as "Ocean Front"
Aug 29, 2006 01:17 AM Georgia Real Estate Directory - Canton, GA
Stay safe and sound all of those in South Florida...Hopefully Ernesto will be nothing more than some wind and rain...
Aug 29, 2006 03:13 AM
Scott Daniels Florida Real Estate 2.0. Agents Earn 100% Commission.
Florida List For Less Realty, Inc. Broker/Owner. - Cooper City, FL
Went down to Hallandale to check our condo.. The kids are surfing and having a great time..
Aug 29, 2006 07:37 AM