Merry Christmas Family, Friends & Clients,
‘Twas the night before Christmas, no wait, we still have time to Prepare the house, Shop for gifts, see Santa Claus, Christmas Lights & Holiday Parades.
Find a Christmas Event in 2022
The best gift many of us could hope for is a new house. The real estate market is currently in somewhat of a holding pattern in which sales have declined and prices are stable and even declining in many cases. Interest Rates are on a steady rise with no sign of ending in the immediate future. None of us has a Crystal Ball but we all have guesses or predictions. My guess is that things will turn around much sooner than any of us expect. I believe that we will all adjust to the new trend of the market and sales will regain momentum soon after the first of the year. Home Prices have an excellent chance of rising once again at the traditional starting date of Easter and continue right up to Halloween.
You might wonder if it's a good time to buy or sell a house. We all know our own situation and on one answer fits everyone's situation. Homeownership has been, is and will always be the American Dream. The key, as always, is spending within our means. The benefits of homeownership begin with the close of escrow. Selling, on the other hand, is a much easier decision. A homeowner has all of the options and can reason whether there is a reason to move and what is the benefit.
Whether you are thinking of buying or selling a house at this time you can depend on us to give you honest advice and answers. We have answers to questions you haven't thought to ask. We love what we do and care more that you can imagine about the people that put their trust in us.
Check Back for New Year 2023 Events
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year in 2023 from Tony & Dani Lewis and Paul & Tracy Dinkel Summit Real Estate Group
Tony & Dani Lewis at 661-510-7975 Office in Valencia Paul & Tracy Dinkel 661-510-3042 Office in Aliso Viejo