Having a dock on the Lake of the Ozarks requires a little maintenance, right?? Anybody that has a dock on the lake would probably say "a little??" Ha ha. Yeah maybe more than just a little lol.
Well my husband and I tackled our dock after we bought a home on the lake. We knew it needed a lot of repair. But my husband is a carpenter, so how bad could it be?? We managed to fix three areas by ourselves. That includes the walkway in the water, which was detached from the pier, and two areas with the boards popped up with the floats sticking out.
Well our dock did not have big enough floats, so we bought 6 4x8x20 new floats, ($469 a piece) and hired two fantastic companies to help finish the hardest part! They were both a Godsend! Beasley's Mobile Welding & Repair LLC. and Wicked Welding LLC. Both insured and Ameren approved dock builders. They had a challenge with a couple areas that needed welded, and they pulled up all the deck boards on one side, and put in 4 new floats. That's two days worth of hard work.
It's a bit tore up right now but the whole thing floats! We will put more floats in later, but at least now we can get the elecrician out and get a lift put in. I'm ready for Spring!!! Your money is well invested in a dock here at the Lake! Great for resell! Call me if you have any buying or selling real estate needs in the Lake area!
Candice Silverthorn, Realtor, RE/MAX Lake of the Ozarks, 309-370-2634 call or text CandiceSellsLakeHomes.com