Several times a year I am hired by 4 different
Realtor Associations to teach a full day on Business
Planning . I have each participant introduce them-
selves to the class and tell us what either their
niche is or Primarily Market is . Through the years
I’ve been shocked by how many answer by saying -
“Wherever My Car Takes Me .”
On Page One of our Seminar I warm up the
class with several quotes. Those that fail to plan ,
have planned to Fail ! Also , you can not hit a
Target that you do not have . Before we get to our
Lunch Break, I introduce the concept of being
Purpose Driven . I then quote Zig Ziglar from his
Timeless Classic -See You at the Top. “ You will
never get anywhere as a Wandering Generality,
you Must Become a Meaningful Specific !”
To compete with 1,500 Agents in the typical
Realtor Association in your Market , your Business
must be well defined . You have two ways to go to
accomplish this . You need a Niche which will Brand
You as a Specialist in a defined area of Real Estate.
Or you will have to become the Mayor of a well
defined Geographical Target Audience. It will take
you 3-5 years of Content Marketing and collecting
their Emails for your data base ( until they see you
as one of the “Go To Realtors in this Market ). You
will focus your energy with a goal of 2,000 Emails
in your Data Base . At a 50-1 Ratio, 2,000 will create
40 closed sides/ units per year . You clearly will be
In the top 10%( if not higher) of your marketplace !
Sadly as the day ends , all have been shown
the path to Success . But unfortunately many
attendees are only “Hearers of the word and not
Doers of the word !” They will place their whole
future wherever their Car Takes Them .