Featured Image courtesy of azsuperbowl.com & NFL - 2023 Host Committee
Cathedral Rock ~ An Iconic Symbol of Sedona
This iconic symbol attracts tourists and locals alike. Part of the appeal is the larger-than-life presence. This impressive work of nature will take your breath away. It can be seen from all around Sedona and hundreds of hikers traverse the trails around this rock every day.
Besides all the postcards, paintings, and artwork, this image can be found on T-shirts, and mugs, as well as various other knick-knacks and souvenirs.
It also appears on business logos throughout Sedona, as noted (above).
Cathedral Rock taken at sunset during monsoon - Photographed by ricksperry.com
As noted above with the Super Bowl logo, Cathedral Rock is a big part of that logo. The element of the Arizona State Flag is the rising sun. Many parts of Arizona see 300 days of sunshine a year.
Looking at the elements of the featured image logo, there is an element of the Arizona Flag incorporated into the logo as well as Cathedral Rock.
I have been blessed to have many listings with a view of Cathedral Rock. The image above was taken from the rooftop deck of one of my listings. The image below highlights Cathedral Rock in a window that was designed specifically to showcase Cathedral. It appears to be a painting on a wall but is a window.
There are many custom-built homes that use a picture frame window to place a spotlight on one of our iconic red rocks.
The blog below shows many additional and different views of Cathedral. When you see it from contrasting views it enhances your perspective.
Different Faces of Cathedral Rock - A Sedona Icon
Image courtesy of Christain Petersen of Getty Images.
As the Super Bowl airs on Sunday, February 12, 2023, you may see "B" roll as they come back go to or come back from commercials. The "B" roll is video footage that is not the main action. But many will see the red rocks of Sedona and want to incorporate a visit into their Super Bowl experience. I will be surprised if Fox Sports does not include some footage in this event.
Image courtesy of Wilson Sports (wilson.com) and the NFL.com
The image below is from the 1950 Western "Broken Arrow",
starring James Stewart, Jeff Chandler, and Debra Paget.