It's fun to look back over the years and see the significance of certain dates. Here's a few to check out! I remember the assassination in 1965 in NYC. I had no idea the Tootsie Roll candy has been around that long!
u 1997: A team of Scottish scientists announce successful cloning of a sheep on Feb. 22.
u 1988: On Feb. 24, the Supreme Court expands legal protections for parody and satire.
u 1986: Ferdinand Marcos, president of The Philippines, flees the country Feb. 25.
u 1965: On Feb. 21, civil rights leader Malcolm X is assassinated in New York City.
u 1954: The first mass polio vaccination begins Feb. 23 in Pittsburgh, PA.
u 1938: The first nylon-bristle toothbrush is introduced Feb. 24.
u 1919: On Feb. 25, Oregon becomes the first state to tax gasoline: One cent per gallon.
u 1896: The Tootsie Roll candy is introduced Feb. 23.
u 1630: On Feb. 22, Native Americans introduce the Pilgrims to popcorn.