It's fun to look back over the years and see the significance of certain dates. Here's a few to check out! I don't know about you but I loved the M*A*S*H finale!
u 2017: The Nintendo Switch is released March 3.
u 2013: Pope Benedict XVI steps down Feb. 28, the first papal resignation since 1294.
u 1983: The Feb. 28 "M*A*S*H" finale is the most-watched TV series episode of all time.
u 1987: On March 2, the median price of a new U.S. home surpasses $100,000.
u 1917: Czar Nicholas II abdicates March 2, beginning the Russian Revolution.
u 1885: American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) incorporates Feb. 28.
u 1827: New Orleans holds its first Mardi Gras celebration Feb. 27.
u 1692: The Salem witch trials begin in Massachusetts Bay Colony March 1.