
Detroit MI - FHA 203k is a hot commodity

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Detroit MI - FHA 203k is a hot commodity 

203k properties are everywhere.Where can we find properties in need of repair? That is easy, anywhere in the United States where homes are at least 1 year old. It's that easy for sure. The FHA 203k is the perferred loan for home in need of repair as you can purchase and get the money to make needed repairs all in one low interest loan.

While there is no need to refinance after the work is complete but you may want to. All FHA loans have this little issue with Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) that is nearly 1% per month (0.85% of the loan amount). You may want to refinance to get out from under that PMI. 



Posted by

Mike Young, 203k Team Leader    Mike ready for your 203k order

To learn more about the FHA 203k loan program go to www.203kOnLine.comWhat is your fee? 

Got a 203k project giving you "fits" contact "203k 911". If you are looking for quality 203k software for consultants and lenders to speed up the underwriting process..

877-207-6565, state your name when asked. Please, it is dialing me at the same time. If you know a renovation contractor who wants more business have them visit for their FREE listing.

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