It's fun to look back over the years and see the significance of certain dates. Here's a few to check out! I hated to see Walter Cronkite give his final CBS Evening News.
♦ 1986: Divers find the crew compartment of doomed space shuttle Challenger March 9.
♦ 1994: The Supreme Court rules March 7 that parody is an exception to copyright law.
♦ 1981: Walter Cronkite anchors his final "CBS Evening News" report on March 6.
♦ 1975: Work begins March 9 on the Alaskan Oil Pipeline.
♦ 1965: On March 7, police attack civil rights marchers in Selma, AL.
♦ 1918: The Russian capital is moved March 5 from Petrograd to Moscow.
♦ 1894: New York issues dog licenses March 8, the first U.S. animal control law.
♦ 1876: Alexander Graham Bell makes the first successful phone call March 10.
♦ 1770: British troops open fire on American colonists in the March 5 "Boston Massacre.""