Is a Bank Statement Mortgage Right for You?
Let's face it, it can be VERY difficult for the self-employed to get some shelter when seeking the best mortgage. Why? Because they face a tough choice every year around tax time:
File the maximum allowable deductions and reduce taxable income as much as possible in order to pay less in taxes.
File with fewer deductions, maximize income and appear strongest in the eyes of a potential mortgage lender.
In reality, balancing these two is nearly impossible for most business owners and the lending industry recognizes that. In response, the self-employed can sometimes use a bank statement qualifying mortgage and we cover these in this short, fun video:
It's just a shot away,
Rob Spinosa
SVP of Mortgage Lending
Guaranteed Rate
NMLS: 22343
Cell/Text: 415-367-5959
Marin Office: 324 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Anselmo, CA 94960
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