Many of the lessons I learned in Real Estate taught me to be a better Photographer.
One thing I've learned in life is that everything I've done in the past, and I mean everything, brings me to where I am today. All the tiny bits and pieces of my life are what make me who I am. The good, the bad and everything in between. That is how life works. The chapter of my real estate career can be summarized as basically retired, but there is definitely a part of my life that has been forever changed.
As a recently retired real estate salesperson I've turned my focus to travel and photography. So many of the skills I've learned from my 15 plus years as an agent easily translate to my retirement and my photography goals.
My passion for photographing wildlife and landscapes has reached a new level.
Skills I learned as an agent keep me focused.
1. Attention to detail matters. Being an agent definitely required many things to make any deal come together. In photography, details matter too. While taking a photo may only require the click of a button, creating art requires a bit. Paying attention to the small details carried over to my photography work allowing me to notice things in a different way and make photos that stand out.
2. Visual Storytelling - Real estate is all about telling a story of a house or property to potential buyers. How to write adds, blog posts and take photos of a property put together a total picture of that home. By allowing the buyers to see themselves in the property helps with the sale. This skill has helped me to create a photo that tells a story of not only what is in the image, but perhaps where and when the photo was taken, and what it means to me. Capturing the viewers emotion is the goal.
3. Composition - Highlighting the homes best features is critical to engage with the buyers. As a photographer I've learned that lighting helps to guide the viewer to see the image as intended.