This came out in The Miami Herald:
Commentary: What’s the most likely thing a home warranty will guarantee for you? Headaches
In a recent — and unusually puffy — puff piece in a pay-to-play real estate publication, two agents sang the praises of home warranties. But in truth, home warranties are not warranties at all. They’re service contracts. And if you’re considering buying a house that comes with one, you’re likely better off asking the seller to credit you with the warranty cost at settlement. [Source: Miami Herald]
I found the story in Yahoo! with no paywall. Here is the link:
I have suggested Home Warranties in the past. I have used home warranties myself and found them to be worthwhile. I replaced a $1300 water heater with just the copay. Full disclosure, I had a dryer that kept malfunctioning, and there was a trade call every time they came out. They would have to come out every few weeks and do something else. I was better off buying an inexpensive new dryer at Home Depot vs. the constant fixing.
But I would like to get your thoughts.