
A better way to find Burlington VT Condos

Real Estate Agent with EXP Realty

Ok! So in an effort to be consistent, it is time for post number 2 in the revival of my activerain blog. Thanks again to all my fellow agents for leaving nice comments on my previous post. It was very inspiring and got me excited about building the next chapter in my blogging journey.

In this post, I will talk about a new way to search for condos for sale in Burlington, Vermont. As discussed in my previous post on activerain, my goal is to build a brand focused on delivering to customers a super easy-to-use resource that provides hyper-local information you cannot find on big sites like Zillow or Realtor with a niche focus on people looking for condos around the beautiful state of Vermont. The thought is that if I make this a super easy to use the website and eliminate any of the annoying forced lead captures that are on most other real estate sites, users will want to come back to it over and over again, allowing me to build a reputation as the best source for anyone looking for condos and townhomes in VT. We are making tons of hyper-local features on the site, but in this post, I want to focus on condo guides, which are landing pages for a specific town. To do this, I decided to build a page with the thought process of how people scroll on things like Instagram or Facebook where they are more used to looking at larger images and clicking on things. With this in mind the condo guide is designed to include what we deemed to be the best most valuable resources for someone looking in that specific town. Here is a loom video of the condo guide to give you a better example.

Notice how for example, on this Burlington Vermont condo guide, you are able to quickly find things like developments, a recent blog post about Burlington, recent sales, new listings, and any other custom searches/resources that are unique and hyper-local to Burlington. All the searches and additional information stay with a laser focus specifically on the condo market(nothing like homes for sale or land, etc.) This is because the site needs to consistently stay on-brand. We want this to be a resource for one niche market portion...not the whole market. So stop by and check out what a condo guide looks like, and let us know if there are other things you think we should add to make this a better experience for users. Thanks for reading this quick post and checking out this resource. As always, I will continue to share some of the things I'm working on and other creative ideas about building this brand in Vermont focused on condos. 

PS... Here are a couple of tools I used to help me make this post a bit better.

Mac dictation



Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello David - I am glad your return to ActiveRain continues.  May the journey be successful for you.  Good luck.  

Apr 17, 2023 05:01 PM
David Laven

Thanks Mike!

Apr 18, 2023 08:25 AM