
About Atlanta

Real Estate Agent with ATL Realty 223820

The ninth most populous city in the United States, Atlanta Georgia has all the amenities of a major metropolitan area with the charm and hospitality that is still alive and well in the deep south.  It is known as the "capital of the new south" and is a major international  business center for the Southeastern portion of the United States. 

The area has seen tremendous growth over the past decade.  From the years 2000 to 2006 the area increased in size by 20.5%, the largest increase in any of the United State's top ten metro areas.   In addition to its population, Atlanta is burgeoning with economic growth.  The city is third nationwide with regard to the number of Fortune 500 companies headquartered there.  Some of the more notable business in Altanta include:


  1. Coca-Cola      
  2. Home Depot
  3. Delta Airlines
  4. AirTran Airlines
  5. United Parcel Service
  6. AT&T Mobility
  7. Georgia Pacific
  8. Equifax
  9. Earthlink


The city is also home to media giant CNN and The Weather Channel and Cox Communications, the United State's third largest cable television provider also calls Atlanta home. 

Atlanta enjoys mild weather year-round.  Defined as humid subtropical, the area sees average yearly highs of 72 degrees and lows of 52.  Because of its warm climate, Atlanta is the perfect place to enjoy outdoor activities.  The annual 4th of July Peachtree road race (running) is among the largest in nation, attracting over 55,000 runners.  In addition, Atlanta is home to four professional sports teams - Atlanta Braves (MLB), Falcons (NFL), Hawks (NBA) and Thrashers (NHL).  It is also the location of the famed Atlanta Motor speedway which regularly hosts NASCAR and other auto races. 

Besides sporting events, there are a wide variety of other activities in which to participate in Atlanta.  The city recently finished construction on the world's largest aquarium.  With a display capacity of 8 million gallons, the Georgia aquarium houses more than 100,000 aquatic animals and 500 species. 

The area has a variety of choices on the educational front.  There are more than forty colleges and universities from which to choose, including Georgia Tech, Emory University, Morehouse and Georgia State University. The city also provide a plethora of elementary and secondary schooling options.  There are twenty metropolitan school districts, which include 474 elementary schools, 129 middle schools and 113 high schools.

Compared to other metro areas, Atlanta also has a very low cost of living.  Based on a national average of 100, goods and services in Atlanta are at 98.7.  The area also has a low median home value of $223,876.

Southern charm that is all grown up, Atlanta is a city that has so much to offer.  The moderate home costs and low cost of living, coupled with a wide variety of entertainment and recreational options make this southern beauty the belle of the ball.


Dwayne West
Atlanta Real Estate - Canton, GA
Canton Georgia Real Estate

Welcome to the Active Rain community. You have chosen a great site with tons of information you can learn from.

Jul 04, 2008 02:26 PM
Connie Rice
Keller Williams Greenville Central - Simpsonville, SC
Connie Rice & Partners - Greenville, SC Real Estat

Congrats on joining active rain! This is a great place to network and I see your off to a good start. Again, welcome and we look forward to seeing you around. Happy Blogging.

Jul 04, 2008 03:19 PM
Kirk Westervelt
Van West Realty - Greenville, SC Realtor -Short Sale Expert! - Greenville, SC
Kirk Westervelt, Broker In Charge, Van West Realty - CDPE - Short Sale Agent - Home for Sale - Greenville, Simpsonvil...

Hi, welcome to Active Rain! I hope to see more of your blogs in the future. Learn from others, share your knowledge and experiences and enjoy yourself! Take care! ---Kirk.

Jul 04, 2008 05:27 PM
Todd Clark - Retired
eXp Realty LLC - Tigard, OR
Principle Broker Oregon

I knew about Coca Cola, but I didn't know about any of the others. I can see why you are advertising all this. What is the unemployement in Alanta being it has so many Fortune 500 companies?

Well welcome to the rain and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Todd Clark, Helping Families Home -

Jul 04, 2008 06:42 PM
Howard Wilson
Wilson Than Real Estate - Santa Monica, CA

Welcome to Active Rain, Regina!

I lived in Sandy Springs years ago so I know Atlanta!  How it has changed over the hrmumble-hrmumble years since I was there.  (Don't want to date myself too much.)

I hope you enjoy the community and support here.  It's a fun website.

Jul 04, 2008 07:50 PM
Regina Ambrose
ATL Realty - Lawrenceville, GA
Associate Broker, ABR, GRI, REO


The jobless rate in Georgia leaped last month to the highest level it has reached in May since 1993.

The official rate rose from 5.3 percent in April to 5.8 percent in May, paralleling the large leap taken by the national unemployment rate.

Jul 05, 2008 12:14 AM
Crystal Corr
Keller Williams Greenville Central - Simpsonville, SC

Welcome to Active Rain. I hope you will enjoy it and learn from it as much as I do. Happy Blogging!

Jul 05, 2008 02:05 AM
Rick Sergison
EXP Realty of Canada Inc., Brokerage - Pickering, ON
Durham Region Real Estate Blog

I just stopped by to welcome you to Active Rain. I hope that you find it a great benefit to your business and that you see the value that I have also found here. I am from Charlottesville Virginia and using Active Rain has really increased my business!

My main blog on Active Rain is here: Charlottesville Real Estate Blog, not the link at the bottom of this post. 

I hope you will look into the many groups as there are some great group both local and broad based,.... 


Jul 06, 2008 05:11 AM