
Green Hill Homes for Sale - May 2023

Real Estate Agent with Benchmark Realty LLc License# 00285925

Green Hills homes are not moving as fast as they were last year and the median price of sold homes has dropped considerably. Sales of homes are down 33%, and the median price of homes sold is down 18% compared to April of 2022.

  • The median price of Green Hills homes sold in April 2023 was $1,299,000 compared to $1,457,500 12 months ago a difference of 12%
  • 23 homes sold in Green Hills during April of 2023 compared to 34 during April of 2022 a difference of 33%
  • the median price per square foot of homes sold was $402 compared to $474 last year a difference of 18%
  • The median size of homes sold was 3495 square feet
  • The median days on market of homes sold was 37 days compared to 15 last year
  • the list price to sales price ratio was 96.8% compared to 106.7 last year
  • 81 Green Hills homes are currently listed in the Nashville MLS as available for purchase

A lot of new construction home building is happening in Green Hills right now, and almost all of it involves displacing old homes with 2 or more new homes that are much larger and more expensive. If you are in the market for Green Hills real estate, give me a call, I'll make the process simple and fun. search for Green Hills homes in Nashville Tn 37215 

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