I was representing the seller on a transaction recently. I've gotten together with the seller and since we had multiple offers on the property, I suggested to the seller to send a multiple counter offer to the offers indicating that the buyer to submit their final and best offer. Based on what we receive back, we will make a decision. I've done this in the past and never had a complaint from an agent.
Well, an agent representing one of the buyers called me yesterday to say that it was ILLEGAL to send such a counter. I almost wanted to tell him if he even had a real estate license. What does he mean by it being illegal? I don't see anything wrong with it and it is a fair way to give each buyer a chance at submitting their last counter offer. Wouldn't you agree? He said he found it distressing because he does not have a specific number to work with to run it by his buyer. I explain to him that is why we have a CMA. It was priced below market and he should not be surprised that there are multiple counters.
Has anyone sent a counter offer in the way how I have done it?
Well, that's the life of a listing agent on the 4th of July. So Mr. Agent, please submit your final/BEST offer.