Posts Just For You- This Week at ActiveRain June 25 to July 1, 2023
Every day there is something to learn here at ActiveRain. With this series, I try to highlight posts that gave me that lightbulb moment. It could be something techie, something about Real Estate or other professions, about a place, or about a person. Or, it could be a post that made me sit up and take notice!
June 25: Jeff Dowler Does Using AI or ChapGPT raise a disclosure question? ...
What a timely question posed by Jeff Dowler in the Q&A. Chime in with your thoughts.
June 27: Robert Siciliano Movelt Hack: What Businesses Should Know and Individuals Should Do
I've not heard of this hack but these hackers are not going to stop. Don't just read this and forget about it!!!
June 28: Endre Barath, Jr. Wordless Wednesdays: Just curious what your thoughts are.
Interesting situation Endre addressed. Share your thoughts with him.
June 29: Greg Brown Facebook Community- Grow Your Business
If you want more of a presence on Facebook, Greg has some excellent information.
Craig Daniels Your ActiveRain Stats
While Craig Daniels' post was featured, it is worth another share. If you haven't read it, find the time!!! It's worth it!
June 30: Faye Schubert He Ain’t Heavy…He’s My Teammate, I’m Not Leaving Him Behind.
It’s time for a feel-good story and this is one of them. Congratulations as well to the LSU Tigers.
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin 5 Ways to Effectively Part From a Trouble Client
Everyone has had them...they're not going away. Wanda's 5 ways are easy to follow.
Jeffrey DiMuria What Happens When You Have a BAD Agent on the Other Side?
Have you had this happen to you???? Very unethical in my opinion.
Eileen Burns 12 Reasons to Hire a Home Inspector Prior to a Florida Purchase
If a buyer is reluctant to hire a home inspector, this may convince them to change their mind.
John Meussner A Letter to Support Middle Class Borrower Protection
Thank you, John, for the template and the information!! Please read this post!
July 1: Margaret Rome The Art of Commenting
Well said by Margaret, and I can attest to the fact that her comments always show she's read your post!
This month’s challenge:
JULY 2023 Challenge-What Makes You Exceptional hosted by John Meussner
Thanks to Carol Williams for this Weekly ZOOM Schedule which she lets me copy and paste into my post.
July 4 - No meeting. Happy Independence Day!
(This is our first missed meeting since we began in May 2020)
July 11th - How to Get Unique Properties SOLD by a radio show
Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400
July 18th - The Semi-Unplugged Agent
Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543
July 25th - TBA
Here is the ongoing link to each Zoom meeting
11:00 a.m. Pacific (Remember Arizona is same as Pacific time now)
12:00 p.m. Mountain
1:00 p.m. Central
2:00 p.m. Eastern
Please don’t forget to check out these very informative posts as well:
Carol Williams Second Chance Saturday-Carol highlights posts that are often suggested by the other members here.
Liz and Bill Spear and the weekly Ask An Ambassador posts!
Hannah Williams shares her savvy shopping finds with us weekly in her Philadelphia Steals and Deals Just Like That by HelpfulHannah.
Thank you for letting me do what I love to do...learn something new every day.