
Do You Accentuate The Positive

Managing Real Estate Broker


How many pleasant memories do you recall every day? Chances are like most people  you don't recall all the good things that happen and you focus on all the negative and bad things that happen.


Ask yourself these questions about focusing on the negative:

  • Do they serve you any purpose?
  • Do they help you move forward?
  • Do they work in your favor in any way?
  • Do they make you feel good?

When you begin focusing on more positive things and focus on what you want you begin shifting your energy from negative to positive and you start attracting positive situations to help you create the life you want.


PS:  Remember -- you only get one life and one chance. Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself. Today rid your mind of negative thinking and begin to discover the Power of Believing. You can overcome any setback - once you direct your mind and subconscious mind to manifest the success you want - start today.


Here's to your success!

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Sham Reddy CRS
Howard Hanna RE Services, Dayton, OH - Dayton, OH

Thanks Richard and Beth for sharing a great blog!!!

Lke most people  you don't recall all the good things that happen and you focus on all the negative and bad things that happen.

Jul 23, 2023 10:06 AM
Leanne Smith
Dirt Road Real Estate - Golden Valley, AZ
The Grit and Gratitude Agent

And equally important, do they make others feel good?

Jul 23, 2023 10:33 AM
Bill Salvatore - East Valley
Arizona Elite Properties - Chandler, AZ
Realtor - 602-999-0952 / em:

I sure try. Somedays are harder than others, but I do try. Great information. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your weekend. Bill

Salvatore Arizona Elite Properties.

Jul 23, 2023 11:35 AM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

I always try but there are people who stress my patience like the comment under Leanne's should be blocked and removed, Endre

Jul 23, 2023 11:08 PM
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
REALTOR®, Broker
Great information, thanks for sharing.  I hope you have a great day.
Jul 24, 2023 02:08 AM
Carol Williams
Although I'm retired, I love sharing my knowledge and learning from other real estate industry professionals. - Wenatchee, WA
Retired Agent / Broker / Prop. Mgr, Wenatchee, WA

Hi Beth and Richard,
I am the Queen of finding silver linings in dark clouds. I also try to keep a firm grip on reality.  Have an amazing week!

Jul 24, 2023 09:29 AM
Beth and Richard Witt

I am also retired... I don't love it but at 84 I had no choice... so I do all I can to help others seek joy and wisdom... Beth....

Jul 31, 2023 10:31 AM