Walking After Running
Some Thoughts on Movement
Admittedly, I don’t remember the exact moment. Despite my lack of recall, I discovered walking was a better and more efficient way of traveling versus crawling. Eventually, that initial tottering to and fro led to running.
Scurrying around as well as about was more fun too. Other activities made later appearances in my history of movement.
It’s interesting to notice how the concept of movement changes as time passes from one moment to the next. It may be ironic in some ways. While I don’t run nor even jog these days, I do walk and wonder of such things while moving.
Daily thankfulness for that ability is clearly a part of this path. I say this even as my gait may not be consistent or as steady as it once was.
Thinking of such things while walking tends to turn to observation of many things. It’s understandable that actual steps taken by babies can seem quite enthusiastic even if their hesitancy may be apparent. And those moving more deliberately can be quite agile as they pass me at times.
Keeping movement in mind, this quote may provide you with some thoughts too:
The least movement
is of importance to all nature.
The entire ocean
is affected by a pebble.
Blaise Pascal