Depends on your age group. My clients all text me for information to set up showingn times, ask questions you name it. It's easier you can be in a meeting or laying in bed and still get the answers you need or ask the questions you want.
I think texting might be ok for already established clients, but NOT for a first time meeting. I am a face to face person when at all seems that it would be impossible to establish credibility through a typed message.
In setting up a co-broke appointment, would you be ok with the agent texting only, or would you want to discuss the property first?
I guess it's today age and what we are coming to. Younger people want everything quick fast and in a hurry and I guess that as long as you have an established relationship with your agent, it's probably soon to be the way of life.
I am oky with whatever from of communicaction works for the client. Depends on the client and your relationship with them, and yes, their age. I don't have email on my phone, and I love txting! Quick and easy, plus, I hate talking on the phone. (I know, what kind of realtor am I?) I txt during office meetings, have clients txt me during meetings when they cannot pick up the phone.
I'm a hybrid realtor -- between the old and the new. I do believe in face to face, though, as that's where the "instinct" comes into play.