
Appointments by Txt?

Real Estate Agent with Century 21 Commonwealth
Increasingly I see agents offering home appointments by text message. Mainly these offers are broker to broker, but as a home buyer would you feel comfortable texting to set up an appointment? As a seller's agent I'd want to have a phone conversation with the person coming to visit to make sure they are a "qualified" buyer first, but am I the only one?
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Heather the Realtor Orlando, Lake Mary
LemonTree Realty - Orlando, FL
First Time Home Buyers, Bank Owned Homes

Depends on your age group. My clients all text me for information to set up showingn times, ask questions you name it. It's easier you can be in a meeting or laying in bed and still get the answers you need or ask the questions you want.

Jul 06, 2008 03:55 AM
Jacquie Cliff
Champions Real Estate Services - Lynnwood, WA - Lynnwood, WA
- Real Estate and Short Sale Expert

I think texting might be ok for already established clients, but NOT for a first time meeting.  I am a face to face person when at all seems that it would be impossible to establish credibility through a typed message.


Jul 06, 2008 04:01 AM
Greg Kiely
Century 21 Commonwealth - Newton, MA
Century 21 Commonwealth

In setting up a co-broke appointment, would you be ok with the agent texting only, or would you want to discuss the property first?

Jul 06, 2008 04:02 AM
Michael Shankman
Award Realty - Las Vegas, NV
Selling Las Vegas 702-498-3383

I am old fashioned..I like to speak to the person...

Jul 06, 2008 04:04 AM
Kay Wise
Fort Huachuca, AZ

I guess it's today age and what we are coming to.  Younger people want everything quick fast and in a hurry and I guess that as long as you have an established relationship with your agent, it's probably soon to be the way of life.

Jul 06, 2008 04:20 AM
Carol Lee
Dilbeck Real Estate - Oak Park, CA
Realtor - Agoura, Oak Park, Westlake CA Homes

I am oky with whatever from of communicaction works for the client.  Depends on the client and your relationship with them, and yes, their age.  I don't have email on my phone, and I love txting!  Quick and easy, plus, I hate talking on the phone.  (I know, what kind of realtor am I?)  I txt during office meetings, have clients txt me during meetings when they cannot pick up the phone. 

Jul 06, 2008 04:30 AM
Li Read
Sea to Sky Premier Properties (Salt Spring) - Salt Spring Island, BC
Caring expertise...knowledge for you!

I'm a hybrid realtor -- between the old and the new.    I do believe in face to face, though, as that's where the "instinct" comes into play.



Jul 06, 2008 04:54 AM