Your Pets are Good for You
Your pets are good for you. I've been saying it for years. Now it's been proven by the medical professionals.
So it begs the question, why then are pets restricted in so many communities in south Florida. And that's a very good question, one which I wish I had the answer to. But that’s a topic I know I've written about many times.
Most dogs go outside to do their business. Walking is great exercise for your dog and for you. It’s good for their healthy and yours. Of course, please check with your doctor first before starting any walking regimen.
But if you have a dog, hopefully, you’re going to walk the dog. With that twice-or-more daily walk, you are both getting physical exercise. And that’s a good thing!
Dogs are social creatures. On your walks, you’re likely to run into other people walking their dogs. The dog-walking group, as it’s been called. It’s a chance to socialize not only your pet but yourself. Dogs sniff. People talk.
I often know the dogs' names before the people and many others can say the same!
Some people prefer to go to dog parks where both you and your dog can socialize. Some like taking their dog to different places to take a leisurely walk. Like Mizner Park, for example, or Worth Avenue in Palm Beach. Many stores have water bowls outside for dogs – they expect dogs and their owners to stop by.
You never know who you will run into and strike up a conversation. Again, it’s a social thing, which is good for you and your furry friend.
Pets are known to bring down anxiety and stress in people. Stroking the fur of an animal can calm you. It can bring your blood pressure down or help to lessen an anxiety attack. That's the truth.
That’s why you see therapy dogs go into hospitals, nursing homes, airports and more.
A few years ago, I met a beautiful Australian Shepherd therapy dog at Bascom Palmer in Miami. He was blind, but he was beautiful. He went up to everyone and he let them pet him. His owner told me he took Donovan to the airport and the hospital. What a good dog and what a good person!
Pets are great companions. There is another living, breathing thing in the house. Someone to talk to (Yes, I talk to my dogs! I even tell them I love you, be good girl and mommy will be back, before I leave the house!) What can I say? It’s true.
With most people, the bond with their pet is a strong one.
Your furry friends rely on you for everything. Pets will hang out with you when you’re sick, watch tv or sit with you while you’re on the computer. They’re good company!
Animals have been known to help those who suffer with depression. Just having an animal around is a good feeling, a pick me up.
I’m not saying it’s going to cure your depression – that’s for the medical experts – but it’s nice to know another living, breathing creature is there. And your pet cares about you. There’s that bond again.
A dog can give a person a reason to get out of bed in the morning. They know the dog must be walked. And walking the dog gets you out of the house, which you otherwise might not do. It’s great for those who need a push and would otherwise stay in bed.
Service and Emotional Support Dogs are wonderful for those who need them. I’ve seen dogs specially trained to deal with autistic children, alert their owners to a seizure or a diabetic attack, take clothes out of the dryer, or help them emotionally. It’s hard to argue with that.
Many people start out thinking they saved an animal but, as it often turns out, the animal saved them. Amazing, isn't it?
Elyse Berman, PA, CRS is a Pet-Friendly REALTOR® who has been helping people buy and sell homes for the past 19-plus years. She serves Palm Beach County, Florida. Check out her blog.
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