Your reputation is at risk with every blog post. You're being watched and first impressions formed.
Even if you don't have any comments on a post, you're being watched, just check your stats if you need proof.
Some people lurk, some engage, either way, people are out there and what you post matters.
If you're in an established community such as ActiveRain, you may establish your reputation over time. Be it good or bad, people have thoughts about you based on your comments, your posts, and how you interact with other members.
Reputations can be heavily influenced from the very first contact, that first blog post. If I'm scrolling the blog roll and the first post I see from you is a rant against your state's governor, followed by posts about crypto and other things that have nothing to do with real estate, you're not going to keep my attention.
We're all human, so I don't expect 100% real estate posts. It's okay to show your personal life and the things that motivate you. Those same things may be the key to providing common ground for a prospective client. Who knows when someone else might like Chihuahuas too??
Many potential clients find us as a result of internet searches. That post they find is their first impression of us, it's our one shot at getting them to explore a bit further and reach out to us. So whether that post was #5 we ever wrote, or #1,683, that post is their FIRST impression of us.
Blogging can be risky business. There's little room for being sloppy, or halfway covering a topic or not making an effort to provide a quality post. That post that you're just "mailing in", may be the one post that someone sees first, and you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,
Bill & Liz aka BLiz