
Are You Using ChatGPT For Your Website?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Waikoloa Vacation Rentals

When ChatGPT first came out I was hesitant to use it, but as more and more people began to use it I wanted to try it out.  Overall if I told it to give me a 500 word article on almost any of the properties we managed it came back about 90% correct.  For some of the properties it would get it confused with something else, but overall it was correct.  For example, we manage properties at a complex called Kolea, which is a Hawaiian word that is a bird and used in other developments so I had to be very specific for it to understand what I was talking about.

Recently I got an email from our VRBO rep alerting us of the functionality of ChatGPT and that it is a great tool to generate the property descriptions for VRBO ads.

Here was the question and thought I had.  For SEO purposes, one of the greatest things is original content.  Everything you read says that Google does know what is generated from ChatGPT and knows that it is not original content so ultimately if you are looking to build content and increase rankings, ChatGPT would not be a good tool.

What interested me was that VRBO was recommending to use it.  We obviously are a much smaller company than VRBO with a much smaller SEO budget so I would think they would know if it is beneficial for SEO.

Have you used ChatGPT in content creation for your website?  If so, have you seen it affect your rankings in any way?  

**I probably will not use it either way because it does seem practical Google would discount the content down the road anyway especially as more people begin to use it.

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Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

We heard from a speaker yesterday at our weekly ActiveRain Zoom call that uses ChatGPT successfully to make original content - she uses specific keywords/and gives it a lot of data so it'll come up with what she's looking for.

I don't use it - I'd rather just write my own content even though it may take more time.

Sep 13, 2023 05:44 AM
Rob Dalton

Thanks for the feedback. Did they mention anything about if they saw rankings increase

Sep 13, 2023 09:33 AM