Posts Just For You- This Week at ActiveRain September 10 to September 16, 2023
Every day there is something to learn here at ActiveRain. With this series, I try to highlight posts that gave me that lightbulb moment. It could be something techie, something about Real Estate or other professions, about a place, or about a person. Or, it could be a post that made me sit up and take notice!
(I missed this one last week!)
September 9: Georgie Hunter There's 2 parts to any address, let's not forget that.
Great point by Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089 Do you know what the second part is?
September 10: Dr. Paula McDonald The Importance of Locking Arms
We are best when we come together!
September 11: Dorie Dillard Motivational Monday~The Source of Power Within
I love this post. Our strength can come from this!!!
Kathy Showe Motivational Monday: Learn a New Skill!
Studies show that learning something new helps to keep our minds going. Learn a new language or musical instrument! Learn a new game...or pick up what Kathy's doing!
Myrl Jeffcoat #3 In a Series-Fishing Clients Out of a Health Club Spa
Building a referral base can come from many sources. Myrl shows how you can do it. Read the other posts in her series too!
September 12: Wanda Kubat-Nerdin Lost Skills That May Never Be Revived
Love this! It’s one of those posts that make you think. Don’t forget to read the comments as well.
September 13: Candice A. Donofrio YOU Are Your Only Competition
Quit beating yourself up! Do what you do! Be YOU.
September 14: Robert Siciliano When and How to Report a Cyber Attack Attempt
We are all vulnerable to cyber-attacks. If you are a large organization or part of a franchise... even more so.
Leanne Smith The Going Dark Experience
This is something everyone has experienced. How do you handle it?
September 15: Marte Cliff Be Careful: A Real Estate Grammar Error to Avoid
We need Marte here to keep us on our Grammar-toes!!! First impressions do matter and that includes what your readers see.
Jeffrey DiMuria Should a Realtor Double Side a Deal if It Costs a Seller Money?
Stop by Jeffrey's post and share your opinion!!! I know mine!
Thomas J. Nelson Whiskey's Wisdom: Tenacity Enjoys the Winner's Circle
There's a lot to be said for outlasting the competition or sticking with it until the "no" turns into a "yes." Who can resist Whiskey?!
Doug Rogers Real Estate Deal Killers 2023 Edition
Doug shares workarounds for the deal killers!
September 16: John Wieland Your Real Estate Business-How to Build Long-Term Relationships
Never burn bridges!!! You never know!!!
Rocky Dickerson Regulation- when is it too much?
What's your opinion? This sounds like a good topic for discussion.
This month's challenge...September CHALLENGE-Let's Get Serious About Writing a Blog Series hosted by Dr. Paula McDonald and Kathy Streib
Thanks to Carol Williams for this Weekly ZOOM Schedule which she lets me copy and paste into my post.
September 19th - Dominating Your Neighborhood
Dorie Dillard
September 26th - AI: How To Use It AND How Not To Use It!
Paddy Deighan
October 3rd - Divorce, Realtors®, and Attorneys
Lise Howe
Here is the ongoing link to each Zoom meeting
11:00 a.m. Pacific (Remember Arizona is same as Pacific time now)
12:00 p.m. Mountain
1:00 p.m. Central
2:00 p.m. Eastern
Please don’t forget to check out these very informative posts as well:
Carol Williams Second Chance Saturday-Carol highlights posts that are often suggested by the other members here.
Liz and Bill Spear and the weekly Ask An Ambassador posts!
Ed Silva’s weekly recap of our Tuesday Zoom Calls.
Thank you for letting me do what I love to do...learn something new every day.