Friday Flags in Southington CT Depaolo Middle School
I am always looking for our flag, and do make a point of stopping if I see one. I do allow extra time for road distractions, so I wasn't late.
This flag was flying proud and was almost in the back yard of the listing I was going to, so it was an easy stop.
The building is the assembly hall for Depaolo Middle School in Southington, CT. It is also clearly visible for the road better than 1000 ft away so how coo to drive into school and see our flag.
It was a breezy day, so my wait was almost nil, and as it was so pleasant, I took a second shot for appreciation.
I do like seeing our flag waving proudly in the breeze and in front of a school starts a mindset for the attendees early.
Friday Flags in Southington CT Depaolo Middle School