
Thanks again Faye Schubert!

Real Estate Agent with Wayne M Martin

Ozarks 1

Thanks again for the time you took to guide us on our choosing of Branson attractions. Your recommendations were spot on as attested to by my wife JoAnn, sister-in-law Karolyn, Geoffrey and myself.

We went to Top of the Rock and went on the Golf Cart tour. The photo above was captured on the tour. Everybody was amazed at the sights. See photo below.

After about 90 minutes of some magnificent sights it was time for a trip to the Arnold Palmer Restaurant for a small bite. The views along with the refreshments were awesome.

My 3 companions wanted me to let the rest of those on Active Rain know how cool Branson, Missouri is if you follow the suggestions of faye schubert, the attraction expert.

Enjoy your evening.  


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Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

ActiveRain is a very special place and it's not always about real estate either.

Sep 26, 2023 06:28 PM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Hi Wayne- this is such an ActiveRain perk is knowing someone in almost any area of the US who can give you good local information!!!  Love your photos. 

Sep 26, 2023 06:53 PM
Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS
Fathom Realty Washington LLC - Tacoma, WA
South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!

I am so glad you got such a great tour guide in Branson. That’s the power of ActiveRain 🙂

Sep 26, 2023 09:15 PM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Wayne Martin  my father always said when you visit a new place do it in a way as if you will never have the oppotunity to go back again and his words stuck with me all my life, he was right so you got the Branson tour thanks to @faye ...

Sep 26, 2023 10:16 PM
Brian England
Ambrose Realty Management LLC - Gilbert, AZ
MBA, GRI, REALTOR® Real Estate in East Valley AZ

I love that you are sharing photos with us from your fun vacation.  I haven't seen any of you consuming adult libations though, haha.

Sep 27, 2023 04:31 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754 - The Rain has allowed me to personally meet many I would not have normally meet. Some which have left the Rain still contact me and vice versa. It is a TEAM. (together everyone achieves more(.

Sep 27, 2023 04:38 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Kathy Streib -The ability to make connections here in the Rain is not possible elsewhere.

Sep 27, 2023 04:40 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS - When it Rain's it pours as Morton Salt says. Next time I will make time to meet Faye and her husband face to face.

Sep 27, 2023 04:42 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Endre Barath, Jr. - Thanks to Faye, not only did we do things we will never forget should we not get the opportunity to come back but all 4 of us would like to return, Should that opportunity open up hopefully we will get to meet fae to face with Faye and her husband. 

Sep 27, 2023 04:46 AM
faye schubert

Would love to meet up with you, if you return!


Sep 27, 2023 06:20 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Brian England Fear not my man. Geoff and I can consume enough adult libations for more than just the two of us. No problems there. We are in a league of our own on that subject. Tip one back for us today in abstentia,

Sep 27, 2023 04:48 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

How wonderful! I'm glad faye schubert 's recommendations were all spot on!

Sep 27, 2023 05:25 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

How lovely, Wayne. Sounds like you are enjoying an amazing trip with the help of faye schubert 

Sep 27, 2023 05:33 AM
faye schubert
Retired - Branson, MO
Living the Branson Lake Life

I'm so glad you enjoyed your trip to the Ozarks and Branson!

There is such a wide variety of things to do, but the most important to me is to  beauty of the mountains, caves, scenic views and lakes.

Sep 27, 2023 06:18 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Kat Palmiotti - have a couple more recommendations to checkout today. So far faye schubert is batting 1,000. Simply amazing!

Sep 27, 2023 06:36 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Nina Hollander, Broker - This place has so much to do that without Faye's assistance we would have been lost in choices. She is amazing at guiding you to the best choices.

Sep 27, 2023 06:37 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

faye schubert - can't thank you enough for your assistance. The golf cart tour at the Top of the Rock certainly opens your eyes to the beauty of nature. And the views of that sink hole from the Arnold Palmer Restaurant takes your breath away.

The Titanic Museum and Heroes next door where big hits the first day.

Today we are going to Kings Castle theater and shopping in the old downtown area. We had dinner last night on the river and drove through downtown.

On our next visit, and we are hoping we come back, would love to meet you and your husband.

Talk soon!

Sep 27, 2023 06:42 AM
faye schubert

I'm so glad you had a great time in Branson. There are so many things to do , that it's impossible even know what there is to do.

Sep 28, 2023 05:00 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Retired Broker/Owner - Phoenix, AZ

Wow I know who to call for sure if I ever visit Branson Wayne!  faye schubert you  are awesome!

Sep 27, 2023 05:16 PM
Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

Wayne, sounds like Faye directed you well, and had a great time.

Sep 28, 2023 04:34 AM