When you have as many furballs as we have, routines are important.
Don't sleep past X time.
Don't put them all to bed before Z time.
Know that if you're late feeding them, they're going to let you know you're late!
As their humans, we have our routines in taking care of them, and they know their part of the routines too! Feeding time, the cats know where each of them gets fed, and so do the Chihuahuas. We have a row of small pet crates in the living room and Hairy Winston goes to crate 4, Tiffany to 5, Gia to 6, Ellie to 7, etc. Kati gets excited at dinner, so she'll run into ANY open crate :)
When it comes to blogging, I have my routines.
When I was in the midst of daily blogging, certain days of the week or month were on a set schedule, so generating ideas for posts was that much easier. If you KNOW that days 5 through 10 of each month will be a different market report and every Tuesday will be an Ask An Ambassador post, there are a couple of weeks of the month that pretty much take care of themselves.
Even now with just blogging AAAs on Tuesdays, I still have my routines.
Pictures are either from my personal collection or Pixabay.com.
Ideas come from wherever (something that happened recently, a Q&A, another person's post, etc.), but even with an idea the routine doesn't remain intact.
Today was one of those days, ideas I had, but developing them just wasn't clicking. After four false starts, I've got starter posts in DRAFT that may never see the light of day, but part of my routine is to NOT write something I'll regret later.
What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. With blogging you can find the path that works for you. Maybe it's mass writing, maybe it's one here and there. The critical thing is to get quality content out there that matches your audience.
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,
Bill & Liz aka BLiz