Feature Image Above
Thunder Mountain and Coffeepot Rock From Shadow Rock Drive
Enjoying the Sedona Lifestyle is the name of my series for the Active Rain September Challenge, hosted by Dr. Paula McDonald and Kathy Streib.
Enjoying the Sedona Lifestyle
Part 3
Why Do Visitors and Residents Enjoy the Sedona
Climate All Year?
300 Days of Sunshine?
Sedona Weather - Tracking "sunshine" as a statistic, was not easy. One has to be cognizant of the weather each and every day. To be accurate, this statistic needs to be recorded on a daily basis. My husband decided to take on this project for one year to see how accurate the claim was. Many areas that boast high tourism and lots of sunshine claim this statistic. But there was an inner curiosity to either prove or disprove the claim in Sedona. So the tracking began.
After tracking this for many years, this statistic depends on the rainfall. The lack of rainfall and more days of high pressure contributes to the credibility of the claim that Sedona can get up to 300 days of sunshine! In the last six years, the average for number of days of sunshine averaged 296 days/year.
Seven Years of Results
2017 - 300
2018 - 312
2019 - 296
2020 - 301
2021 - 283
2022 - 286
2023 - 213 through September
Sedona needs 29 Days a month for the next 3 months to equal 300 days of sunshine for 2023!
Learn more about all the weather statistics from Sedona-Weather.com. Our weather station has records and statistics that go back to 2011 in many cases. If you are interested in learning more about the Sedona real estate market or Sedona-Lifestyle.com, please give me a call or visit my website. Many people move here because of the pleasant outdoor weather which is present all year long.
Monsoon Ends September 30th
Even though monsoon is comming to an end, We don't expect any more monsoonal flow from the south. Our normal weather patterns will resume with weather coming from Alaska and the West Coast or California.
Monsoon Rainfall
During monsoon of 2023, Sedona had 4.44 inches of rain. In comparison, there was 8.63 inches of rain and 2021 had 9.61 inches of rain! So you can see that 2023 was below our average. I will add that in 2020, there was a drought. Sedona only got 0.91 inches during monsoon.
Lack of Humidity
Another Positive Factor Why People Enjoy Sedona Weather
I can't emphasize this enough. We have very little humidity, even during monsoon. This makes higher temperatures less noticeable and why we tell people to drink lots of water. It is easy to get de-hydrated. When there is less moisture in the air, no matter what season you are in, you do not feel the heat or the cold. This is one of reasons people like our weather so much. You can enjoy the seasons without the discomfort of feeling the weather.
As I write this it is 89º. The humidity is 12%. This drops the "feel like" temperature about 5º. Conversely, in the winter, the low humidity makes the temperature feel less cold.
Sedona is right on the edge of the Colorado Plateau in the transition zone. Sedona has desert flora and fauna as well as more mountain flora and fauna. This contributes to our mild seasons.
Many people feel that the weather and climate is a big draw for visitors to become residents. It is all part of the Sedona LIfestyle. It is more mild than other parts of the country, and a big reason is ...less humidity.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2023 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
First Day at 80º -—> 04/10/23 = 82.7
First Day at 90º -—> 04/12/23 = 90.3º
First Day at 100º-—> 06/26/23 = 100.5º - (5 min)
Last Day at 100º = 08/30/23 = 100.0º
(There were only 7 days about 100º in August)
Summary of the Sedona Lifestyle
So much has been written about Sedona and this fabulous lifestyle. Here is a small summary.
The Sedona Lifestyle is known for its magical experience, attracting visitors, and residents alike (1).The city offers u nparalleled access to nature's wonders, a thriving arts community, unique shhopping options, abundant dining with views, and an emphasis on spirituality and wellness (2). Sedona's breathtaking scenery, mesmerizing red rock formations (redrocksfever.com), and proximity to serveral national parks make it an ideal place for outdoor enthusiasts.
(1) -Sedonabizmag.com (2) - dividendsdiversify.com
(3) Credit other references - strategistoco.com - toughnickel.com -
ARTICLE ONE - Once in a Sedona Super Blue Moon
ARTICLE TWO - Do You Have Sedona Red Rocks Fever? See What The Symptoms are…