I must admit the first time I heard the word Pickleball and learned it was a sport was when Ray Henson wrote his first post describing Pickleball some time ago. In the beginning I thought it was interesting but a sport soon to fade into oblivion. I was wrong!
Yesterday I stopped in a quaint boutique shop and the first sight I saw was this Pickleball People cap! Naturally, I thought of Ray Henson! After coming home, I went to two different search engines and put in Pickleball. Oh my gosh! There are current articles and links too numerous to count from all over the world! Actually, there is an obscene amount of Pickleball People - more than 36.5 million with 48.3 million people who at least tried!
- California
- Arizonia
- Texas
- Boston
- Raleigh
- Switzerland
- Australia
- France
- England
- Florida
- Seattle
- Dallas
- San Antonio
- Taiwan
- Turkey
- Bainbridge Island, WA
- Italy
- Canada
And many, many more! Then I wondered, is this just a passing phase and how old is too old to play? Well, I learned even the 70+ generation is participating by running around the Pickleball Court. Now I know, it's not just for young athletes, but young people, old people, and people in between. Which begs the question are Pickleball People taking over the world?
Perhaps Anna "Banana" Kruchten better get out her BananaTude plane and survey the scenes around the world with Ray Henson to find more Pickleball People on ActiveRain for a meet-up and a game of Pickleball? I have a feeling now that caps are popping up in local boutique shops, I wonder will it be no time at all before Pickleball People will take over the world!
P.S. I was so surprised to learn there are currently millions of Pickleball People all over the world. Yesterday, I wrote a post but gave up because I had too many words and kept getting error messages. I finally gave up and tried again today. What if the number has now reached more than a billion Pickleball People? Maybe, the moral of this story is Pickleball People ARE taking over the planet and they not quitters. Who knows, someday, I may be one of those Pickleball People too! You just never know! Hats off to Ray Henson!!!