6-Part Feng Shui Workshop with Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert
Dates: Mondays | October 2, 16, 23, 30 | November 6, 13 in 2023
Time: 7 PM - 9 PM
Location: Forest City Community Park, 3099 Morgan Drive, Wantagh, NY 11793
Topics: Feng Shui | Geopathic Stress Dowsing | Sound Healing and Music Improvisation
In this 6-part Feng Shui series students explore the history and evolution of Classical Feng Shui, paired with receiving practical Feng Shui tips to help enhance the overall energy of their home. To complement the Feng Shui teachings, attendees are introduced to Geopathic Stress Dowsing through hands-on experience which includes how to use a pendulum, phrase questions, use dowsing charts, and prepare their space and self for dowsing. To conclude the series, students enjoy an interactive Improvisational Sound Healing Circle, which is always a class favorite!
Fee: $150 for all 6 sessions
Senior/Veteran: $75 (Reduced rate also applies to the physically challenged and volunteer firefighters)
Register by visiting: https://hempsteadny.gov/781/Feng-Shui--6-Part-WorkshopLecture
6-Part Feng Shui Workshop with Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano
